[MoD] Orders || Update on TW || Update on Comp ||

Day 2,090, 18:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

This is the official Newspaper of the Country President of the United Kingdom concerning all things military.

Remember to subscribe, so you never miss an article, and to vote & shout, so nobody else misses one either.

- Orders
- Aims of the TW
- Spotlight on previous battles
- MoD Competition Update

This article is going to be dedicated to the on-going training war that Britain is having with Germany during the National Shield competition in which there have currently been two finished and one on-going battle.

Please take a little bit of time and read it!

eUK orders

Priority 1: fight for Australia in South Australia here - http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/43604

Australia continue their battle with Indo, we will support them fully.

Priority 2: fight for United Kingdom in Nordjylland here - http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/43588

Aims of the TW

- To increase our damage output for the National Shield competition
- Give our players a chance to earn gold/rewards and true patriot medals
- To avoid damaging either countries bonuses
- No real ingress into home regions for either nation

Note: There is NOT a pre-designated ‘dance’ of region swapping. Whoever wins, wins - within reason. Therefore in all these battles pride is at stake!

Spotlight on Previous Battles

Nordjylland #1
The first attempt to capture Nordjylland in the training war by the United Kingdom was a closely contested battle in which many of the eUK’s strongest players laid down a large amount of damage. In spite of this, however, we did not win the battle and Germany managed to maintain their region. Because of this victory, the German’s gained the initiative.

Roll of honour
Campaign Hero:Nohjis

Div 1 Battle Heroes: MitioOchite, CreataS, F scott (4), Willie fear, Jon knights, Davidenko VS.

Div 2 Battle Heroes: PAOKseLEW, Stefan Rosandic, RawMaterial, Terrorde Lodares, Bvass, a good person, Care chimba, The equalist, Ardynaika.

Div 3 Battle Heroes: Visoks, T White II, CptChazBeard, Ryan Taylor, Klly456, Titus Van Skittles, Cristionnen (2), corrio.

Div 4 Battle heroes: Lovelan, Keep Calm, Nohjis, FragUK, Sir Stupid Genius, Mr Val (2), BigAnt, Steeev.

Scotland #2
Due to the German’s gaining the advantage, they decided to attack Scotland, eUK’s most northern region. This led to a call to arms from the British people and the good old British stubbornness to not be defeated. This payed off, Great Britain won the battle for Scotland with a great victory which left the German’s on the back foot and they retreated back across the sea to their homely regions to prepare their training defences east of Britain.

Roll of honour
Campaign Hero: BigAnt

Div 1 Battle Heroes: David 0739, Nicck Miler (2), joey willsi, pomsta3, bladirus, tirbu6on, PrviPatriJarh, Ushio19, Greg Monroe, Igor Starbuck, Shiatzua, Lbarui, Legendprem.

Div 2 Battle Heroes: F Scott (3), Derek Zax (2), sevennew, Micheal Ludgate, OAQ753951, luimost, BothB, Ivizzy, ToniJR (2), zzzhazza.

Div 3 Battle Heroes: WookieO, hibrYd, Massacar, Dark reagon, siljaa, Cindy021, dante643 (2), eurjpy, Eld-Z, Treacherous, Titus Van Skittles, almnet, Valtarus.

Div 4 Battle Heroes: JamesW (2), Mr. Val (2), BigAnt (4), Huey George, fpope79, Samoss The Great, Vistulus (3).

Nordjylland #3
After our victory over the Germans, and in order to seek a funful revenge for the previous loss of the training battle of Nordjylland, the eUK decided to launch our counter-attack at the same region we lost before, in order to try and gain a foothold in the war. It is expected that this battle will again be another closely contested battle with strong fighters on both sides. However we are determined and optimistic that we will be able to defeat the Germans.

Roll of honour

Div 1 Battle Heroes: Legendprem, TMI Bro,

Div 2 Battle Heroes: zzzhazza, vissie27,

Div 3 Battle Heroes: MjrMammories, Rebeka17,

Div 4 Battle Heroes: BigAnt, dutchsam,

In order to achieve this we need you, the people, to fight hard and fight smart.


Q: Why are we doing just a training war?
A: We, both as the eUK and TWO, have no need or desire to annex another area at this moment in time - especially if its just Germany. The training war allows us to have constant battles and a better, more effecient reason to use our damage rather than only for the competition.

Q: Why have we lost a battle(s)?
A: We are currently not getting any ‘real’ TWO support. Firstly because this is a TW and secondly because we’re actively asking countries NOT to fight for us. This allows our allies to focus on more important battles and campaigns and doesn’t make the eUK look ‘greedy’ in the eyes of the alliance

Q: What happens if Germany tries to invade/break the ‘terms’ of the TW
A: Both the MoD team and Carlini have been in touch with representatives of allied countries and TWO HQ. While at the present moment in time we’re not asking for help, if the worst case was to happen help would not be far away.

Q: Where can I find out more about the TW/MoD plans?
A: Make sure that you keep up to date by:
- Subbing this newspaper!
- Adding myself (Madacaion), Richard Fiest and BigAnt as friends to see the shouts on your friend feed
- Idling in #MoD - our IRC channel for orders! (Link Below - Hint Hint!)

MoD competition update:

Leading on from this the eUK is still ranked 4th in the eWorld during this competition which is fantastic! We have already reached 5 targets for the competition gaining the eUK over 1000 gold. This is all down to you and is making your country stronger so please keep it up!

Remember to wait for your 50% damage boosts if you can before fully unloading your damage. It will help both you and the eUK.

Also remember you can fight in Guerrilla wars as it is better for damage as if you win you do 200% damage and if you lose you still deal full damage for your food fights.


Direct link to Live Chat/Strike Room for eUK Military!

Direct Link
Copy & Paste URL

Thank you for reading and remember to keep fighting.

Ministry of Defence
Madacaion, Richard Feist, BigAnt

Special thanks to dMo😨 Joshasourous