[MoD] Official Article day 1,327

Day 1,327, 12:53 Published in Singapore Singapore by AmeroUnited Corp. HQ

Hello citizens, this is logan Dunleavy with your Ministry update.

Republican Guard: Fight for the resistance in Luzon. Republican Guard members, if you need supplies please fill out this form
Civilian Orders
Civilians are asked to move to Indonesia to fight for the resistance in Luzon. If you need supplies please fill out this form aswell. If you cannot move please fight here
Government Jobs

If you would like supplies to fight from the government please work in government companies. Found here and here offered by Mista II. We need people to work most in the Guns and Aluminum companies. We have enough supplies to last 1 more day and and in need of government funds so please, take these jobs.

You can sign up for the Republican Guard here