[MoD] National Service Announcement (Please Read)

Day 990, 14:45 Published in Singapore Singapore by Singapore Defense Organization

Greetings citizens of Singapore,

This is a very important announcement from the eSingapore Ministry of Defense in regards to a new policy and dramatic overhaul of how our military functions. I come to you today to announce the creation of "National Service"! Now you might have a few questions that I will address in this article.

What is national service?

National service is the induction of every citizen into the military, this means a higher level of organization and cooperation between the civilian military and the TW regiment, it also means that state companies will become more active and upgraded to meet the needs of national security. As a citizen you will now be available to be called upon for deploying with the military at times of need, you can also be called upon to work in a state owned company.

How does national service work?

To make the system work a lot smoother I am asking all citizens to fill out http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHZLaFREZGxiQ1g0VHJ1VmJMcDhwSnc6MQ. Once that form is filled out and submitted you will be categorized and given a national service number, we ask that all citizens fill out the national service form. Once you are set in the national service system and have a number you are qualified to be called upon for national service. Every time the TW devision deploys the MoD will select a few random national service numbers and contact the people who were selected.

What good will this do for me?

National service will not only have great effects for the nation but for the citizen as well. If you are called upon to deploy you will be compensated your days wage, given a military standard weapon and moving tickets to get you to the battlefield and back. So basically you don't need to spend any money deploying and fighting. But if you truly do not wish to deploy when you number is called you can pick to work in a government company for three days. For those who work in a state company for a week straight there are talks in the government of rewarding you for your work with a bones. So in short, yes we want national service to be something our citizens look forward to, not fear and we will do anything we can to make that so.

http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHZLaFREZGxiQ1g0VHJ1VmJMcDhwSnc6MQ Fill This Out!