[MoD] Day 2,450 - Nordjylland [T4D]

Day 2,450, 04:43 Published in Denmark Denmark by n0s3

hey Germark,

as you certainly have seen by now, eRep brought "new" missions today. Most of them are the same stuff as usual (fight in x different RWs, do y kills in z battles etc.) - however, a few of them include new objectives, such as assigning five employees in the production process; for a complete and detailed overview, I recommend this article: Empire Mission Rewards [14 of 14].

Among these missions, there are three objectives that could be a bit tricky for Danish citizens: Two of them (Fight for your country #4 and National Hero) require people to fight for their citizenship country. As we usually aren't at war, thus have no opportunity to achieve those aims, a resistance war in Nordjylland has been started. This will give both Denmark and Germany the opportunity to gather some TP damage and to fulfill those two missions. Right now, we don't intend to win the resistance war. It wouldn't be the end of the world if it happened (20 days until elections), but we don't pursue it.

Another requirement that will be really tricky is the only condition of the mission Campaign of the Day: "Defeat 1000 enemies in the Campaign of the Day of your citizenship country".

The campaign of the day is a nation-wide battle order that can be set by the CP only.

(^German CotD)
Game-mechanically (and opposed to the daily order of your MU), it's rather a mere recommendation of your CP - without any incentives/rewards such as energy bars or bazookas. The problem in our case is that a CotD can only be set to 1) RWs in the own country (including territories that are occupied by the own country - but not including own cores occupied by another country) and 2) own/allied MPP battles.

And exactly that's the difficulty: Denmark has no MPPs and no battles going on within its own territory. The RW in Nordjylland doesn't qualify to be set as Danish CotD, as it's a resistance war within Germany, not in Denmark.
As that matter is still to be discussed, it's hardly possible to make any predictions; however, conceivable would be the usual war with Germany: attack them, let them wipe us, liberate regions.

By the way, if your current TP damage (viewable on your profile) is just a bit below the threshold of your next TP medal, you might want to wait until you unlock the mission "Fight for your country #4" before you drop damage in Nordjylland and before you get that TP medal; as you need to either deal 100 million damage for Denmark or get your next TP medal, you can avoid the necessity of dropping 100 millions by "saving" the TP medal for that mission. (I hope that sentence was understandable. ^_~)

Anyhow, happy fighting! T4D active as well, we probably want to have some fun with the missions. 😛

Day 2,450
Nordjylland - feel free to fight for Denmark, but keep an eye on the camapaign overall. Germany should win the campaign.

T4D is active as well - if you got Danish citizenship and post a comment below this article, you'll receive 10 Q7 tanks to fight for Denmark in Nordjylland. Also be sure to read the "By the way" remark three paragraphs above.

So long! ~\o