[MoC] Update: Lottery. Auction. Awards.

Day 2,612, 14:31 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

..Hi all, this is just a quick Update.

Thank you all for a great response to Community events so far this month. It's brilliant to see.
Don't forget, Keep playing even if you think it's crap!

Mid-week Community Lottery Results

Can we get rid of these balls, already?

The bonus ball drawn in tonight's RL Irish Lottery was 14.

We had sixteen participants and one lucky winner. Congratulations to Lee Flanagan who walks away with the entire pot of 1000 Q7 Tanks.

Nice one, Lee. When's the Theory test?

Auction of Titles

We had a great response to this event with about 80 comments posted to the last Community article where we auctioned off eIreland in little parcels. The auction raised a grand total of 9738.69 iep which gives us a nice big pot for the next Community event.

You are all cordially invited to an Investiture which will take place in the next article of this newspaper when our new overlords will receive their noble titles.

*(It would be great if someone out there who is handy at putting banners together could rustle something up for us for this. Please send us a PM if you think you can help. The successful bidders have been very generous and all paid up on the spot.)

Community Awards Nominations

There is still time to have your say in this month's Community Awards in the following categories:

Most Trusted Politician

Most Acclaimed Publisher

Best Recent Article

Most Celebrated Soldier

Best General Manager

Newcomer to Watch

Irelander of the Month

Loveable Rogue

Lifetime Achievement Award

Please send a PM to this Org with your nominations.

That's all for now, plenty on the way.
James Keiller

TL😉R - Lee Flanagan has tanks.