[MoC] Public Budget

Day 1,193, 19:26 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Education Canada

The monthly budget was a topic of contention in congress this month with several congress members requesting changes and modifications to the original proposal. After discussion and debate, the final version has been drafted and approved. The public version of the budget can be found HERE. This article will provide a quick breakdown of what the budget looks like.

Projected Income For the Month
$176,400 CAD
61.6 Gold

MPP Costs
8 MPPs at 100 Gold ea.
800 Gold Total

Military Spending
$10,800 weekly to CAF
$2,500 weekly to TCO
$50 weekly to CCD
$13,350 weekly total
$66,750 monthly total

Keeping with the government’s goal of removing CAD from the market in order to stabilize the value of CAD, no money will be printed this month. Spending to the CAF and TCO has been temporarily reduced in an effort to hold CAD in the government coffers rather than release it onto the market. There is no need for concern over this temporary decrease in funding as it can be increased in the event that we go to war. Citizens not in the CAF or TCO should take note of the $50 weekly spending to the Canadian Civil Defense (CCD). This money is intended for citizens who are not affiliated with either military group. Contact the MoD (Relic10) for more details.

Over all, the government has put forward a modest budget and reigned in spending in an attempt to stabilize the CAD and build up the amount of money we have in the treasury. Congress voted in approval of this budget with 19 in favour and 4 opposed. This budget should be one of many steps on the road to economic recovery for eCanada.

Minister of Communications
Kilgore Trout 89
Deputy Minister of Communications