[MoC] New Community Awards, General Announcements!

Day 996, 08:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Dear all,

Welcome to a slightly delayed term at the MoC! Sean and I are in a chat right now making plans but save for switching the password I was reluctant to sign in here, having been part of the last hack myself, just in case.

The purpose of this article is two-fold. Firstly to invite nominations for the community awards and secondly to provide a short summary of the current situation here at the MoC. Just to be contrary I'm going to do that summary first, having called it second 😛

Donations and Contributions

In the last few terms donations and contributions to The Irish Community and the Irish State Community Fund have been way down. In the past I've incentivised donating by making it a competition, or a mini lottery, but right now thanks to the bugfest donation lists are not viewable. This means I can't keep track of who's donating, and who's donating what, and therefore I can't dangle any 'please contribute' type carrots.

I know we're battling a lot of apathy, as well as increased costs and a huge reduction in player base but without at least some civilian participation this department is going to flounder. We won't be able to be nearly so generous in future if we have to go cap in hand to the Ministry of Finance every time we want to do anything.

So. If you have a weapon lying around you can't use, or a tiny bit of money you can spare, please consider offering it over this way (though don't donate items without contacting me first please as there's limited space here and I'm currently having to use one of my own orgs for overspill). In particular if you are one of our wealthier citizens please consider sponsoring a community award - we'd have been lost without Caladbolg last term.

The Irish Lottery

Again, because of the bugged up donation lists, this event is suspended until further notice. Which really, really makes me cranky for the record.

Other events will be organised soon, there's already talk of Sean and I getting a quiz together.

The eIrish Community Awards

But now onto more cheerful things! It's time to open this month's voting on the eIrish Community Award and it's time to be ambitious lads. I want at least twenty sets of nominations (our prior record's something like 11/12) or I'm gonna move to eUK for a month, you see if I don't (ok, idle threat, but play along with me 😉 )

The categories are below and please try to nominate in all of them. If you can't it's fine, but please try. Nominations in one category only are frowned upon but permitted, self-nominations are discouraged but allowed.

Most Trusted Politician

Who of the current or recent TDs/Ministers etc. stands out to you as having fulfilled their campaign promises? Who's been honest and upfront? Who's served eIreland before themselves?

Most Acclaimed Publisher

Whose articles do you never fail to read? Who keeps you informed or entertained, who gets you thinking or explains things you might not have understood nice and clearly? Maybe they do all of the above.

Most Celebrated Soldier

Which of our soldiers stands out to you as one who should be applauded? Maybe they're a great leader, a tireless fighter - maybe they're both.

Best General Manager

Whose company/companies are always well stocked with raw materials? Maybe they stand out for another reason - do they offer any perks you couldn't get elsewhere, or are the wages are generous? If you think a general manager deserves praise here's your chance to give it to them.

Newcomer/Up-and-comer to Watch

Who, of level 14 or less, has already made an impression? Are they getting involved already, making their voice heard? Nominate them here.

Irelander of the Month

This can be anyone, for any reason. One Irish citizen who stands out to you as deserving of an award. Maybe they're a trusted poltician, and a great manager, and many other things... maybe they've helped you out when times were hard, or worked hard for the nation. Whoever and for whatever reason this is your chance to get them the attention they deserve. For this category a brief explanation of why you're nominating them would be greatly appreciated.

Lovable Rogue

They're mischief but you love them anyway, or they stir the pot without actually doing harm. Does this sound like someone you know? Please nominate them for this one.

Lifetime Achievement Award
Prior winners may not be nominated again. These are 5n4keyes, Anaille Kolshire and Irishbhoy1967.

Similar to Irelander of the month but nominees for this award should be people who throughout their eLives have stood out. They may not have constantly held positions of power but maybe they always were there to help you, maybe they turned your political party around, maybe they mentored you to greatness but all this over the longer term. All nominees for this award should have a citizen account at least four months old as of the day nominations open.

Nominations should be sent to this account as soon as possible but definitely before the end of Wednesday next week, being August 18th. Current MoCs cannot be nominated (Sean and myself) and only Irish citizens can win the awards.

That's it for now!