[MoC] article problems

Day 2,197, 10:28 Published in Denmark Denmark by Kristian Klausen

English version below
Dansk version

Der er i øjeblikket problemer hos flere erepublik spillere med at udgive artikler. Problemet gør at informationsministeriet ikke har haft mulighed for at fortælle om kongresvalget, arbejdsskatten mm. Vi beklager, og håber at erepublik snart får fjernet fejlen.


English Version
Erepublik currently has a bug that makes it impossible for some players to publish articles. This problem is the reason why the danish MoC haven't published any articles lately. We have several things to tell you, but it is impossible to do, with the current problems. We apologise the inconvenience it may have caused. We hope that erepublik will fix the bug soon.

The danish Ministry of communication