[MoB] Who am I

Day 4,135, 02:23 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by ElGorro

This time no contest, but I wanted to share some more answers with you on the questions to tell us something on the orgin of names and avatars. I think this is a good way to learn something new on the people in our community. Haven't I contacted you yet with these questions, feel free to drop your answers in the comment field. If you guys like the concept, drop a line. I might continue. 😉

Can you explain the meaning of your name?
Banglades (Bangladeš) is a Serbian name for the state of Bangladesh. There is no special meaning, I chose this name without particular reason when I replaced the previous nickname.

Can you tell us something on the meaning of your avatar?
My previous avatar was the official avatar of the Serbian Legion, formed during the time when our commander was Vladan Gajić, and on the avatar was a Montenegrin. In this way, the avatar encompassed my countries - Serbia and Montenegro. Due to misunderstanding, I left the military unit and now I am a member of the Grom. The current avatar is a Serbian version of Grom avatar, probably created at a time when Serbia and Poland were close allies.

Can you explain the meaning of your name?
My name is nothing special really. It's my RL name plus an add-on I used in another game and simply used here again.

Can you tell us something on the meaning of your avatar?
My avatar is from the time we were occupied by Poland all the time. It's a link to the resistance back when we were RL occupied during WWII...

Can you explain the meaning of your name?
In another game I usd to act like a trader and therefore changed my name there to the first 3 letter of the game plus trader. As I'm hardly creative I used the same system here when I registered.

Can you tell us something on the meaning of your avatar?
The avatar I simply liked because of the orange flames while it has a link to fighting where the most part of this game is about nowadays. Didn't find it myself though.

Can you explain the meaning of your name?
imh0tep comes from Imhotep, an ancient Egyptian high priest and chancellor to the pharaoh Djoser. It means "the one who comes in peace". As a teenager I was interested in ancient Egypt. Around that time I started gaming and I chose this name. Now, about 20 years later, I still use that name for games.

Can you tell us something on the meaning of your avatar?
My avatar is the emblem of STVV, a Belgian soccer team playing in first division. Every home-game I go to see them play.

Can you explain the meaning of your name?
the now no longer considered canon oldest son of Han Solo and Leia.

Can you tell us something on the meaning of your avatar?
picture of him from the comics.

james janeway
Can you explain the meaning of your name?
Natuurlijk werk ik graag mee. Ik ben dit spel als inwoner van Engeland begonnen, en wilde een goed klinkende Engelse naam. Die heb ik nooit meer aangepast al woon ik al jaren in The Netherlands...

Can you tell us something on the meaning of your avatar?
En mijn zeer patriottische beeldmerk vertelt dat ik aan de ene kant voor vrijheid ben, de onbegrensde vogel, maar aan de andere kant sta voor de waarden en taal van Nederland. Iets dat mijn keuze voor de geuzen gemakkelijk heeft gemaakt!
Helaas wordt onze prachtige taal vaak verkwanseld. In andere landen doen ze dat echt niet.

Koning Der Zeeuwe
Can you explain the meaning of your name?
my name is de koning der zeeuwe it means = king of all zeeuwisch people. The Zeeuwisch are a group of people inside the netherland.

Can you tell us something on the meaning of your avatar?
My avatar is one of the biggest admirals the dutch navy has ever have michiel de ruiter. He is also someone with a zeeuwisch heritage.

Mael Dunbar
Can you explain the meaning of your name?
Mael has been my nick on multiple platforms, I believe I got it from one of the novels in the 'Interview with the vampire' series. It's supposedly a Celtic name.
Yossarian was another (from the book Catch 22) nick.

Both were taken, so I ended up combining Mael with Dunbar, another character from the Catch 22 novel.

Can you tell us something on the meaning of your avatar?
The avatar is from Mad Men, off course. I was watching the series back then so I used a pic of the great Donald Draper. I felt I needed something more 'serious', because going into a debate with something like a plate of spaghetti or a horse as an avatar seemed a bit counter-productive (no offence to the plates of spaghetti and horses on eRep, just a personal preference).

ren 1
Can you explain the meaning of your name?
Well, my name is rené, but because accents are not always displayed in the right way, a long time ago rené has become ren 1.

Can you tell us something on the meaning of your avatar?
My avatar has no special meaning: a small portraitfoto (from a long time ago 😉 )

Can you explain the meaning of your name?
really like the guy in so many of his roles, my normal username was taken so I decided to do a little something else.

Can you tell us something on the meaning of your avatar?
picture of the hunk himself 🙂

Tim Veltkamp
Can you explain the meaning of your name?
It's my real name, not very imaginative I know.

Can you tell us something on the meaning of your avatar?
My avatar is from back in the day with the Carebears https://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Carebear I joined their MU as well and knew one of their leaders from back in the Phoenix days. The Carebear has a Star Trek outfit too since I pretty much love all Star Trek.

Can you explain the meaning of your name?
My name consists of two words, "Yugo(slav)" and "Boss". Or simply put it is a wordplay on the known brand Hugo Boss. But in my case "Boss" does stand for boss.

Can you tell us something on the meaning of your avatar?
My avatar consists of the flower "Lilium bosniacum" drawn with the use of Arabic words in a specific artform also called as levha in the Bosnian language. Which is simply put islamic calligraphy. The avatar is drawn by a man called Osman Morankić, he's from Tešanj a place I used to live at right after the Bosnian war from the nineties and before I ended up moving The Netherlands in real life. I'll link more of his artwork down below. If you need to know more,be sure to ask 😉

Can you explain the meaning of your name?
Can you tell us something on the meaning of your avatar?
Nou, zoals je weet woon ik in Zeeland (en ben ik vrouw), dus die keus was snel gemaakt. Meer info: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeeuws_Meisje_(margarine) en https://www.zalig-zeeland.com/zeeuwse-almanac/1-juli-zeeuws-meisje

Have fun!

With kind regards,
