[MK] Presidental Campaign

Day 1,197, 22:01 Published in Philippines Japan by Myung Kei
(Campaign Music: Click)

Hello ePhilippines and eFilippinos one and all. Today, I, Myung Kei, officially am announcing my candidacy for the office of the President of the ePhilippines from the Philippines Zombie Party. I know this comes on the coattails of other presidential candidates, but I would like to, for starters, wish them good luck this campaign cycle. If you are still listening to the theme music, you might get the message now 😛 .

My Views on the President

-Historically, the President of the ePhilippines has been a symbol of national leadership and authority in times of great crisis and general peace. We have had people such as Keegan, Jelly, Hekter, Jootli, and PDS serve as our president over the past several months, and evidence to their achievement is that our country is continuing to thrive.

-The President should be a person of integrity and reconciliation towards political opposites, and should work together with major factions to find a consensus on issues such as internal policy.

-The President should look at our situation realistically in foreign policy, but attempt to build up as many alliances and partnerships as possible to maintain our national sovereignty.

-The President should have a sly wit every now and then. 🙂
("If I didn't laugh so much, I couldn't stand this job for 15 minutes" -Abraham Lincoln)

I hope, that in the eyes of the electorate, that I fulfill these traits.

The Philippines (Can I get a "Whoop Whoop"?)

-In the face of incredible odds, I am always amazed at how someway, somehow, the ePhilippines and its people survive and always present themselves to have a fierce passion as a fighting force.

-One of the most relaxing and stress-free phenomenon of ePH is the tone of the political mood in ePH: Funny, and Easygoing. Everyone is just here for a good time and to enjoy themselves, no need for a partisan and carping tone, and the past few months have shown that.

-There always seems to be a mystery afoot....like our Minister of Merriment, who provides satire ePH style, rivaled only by Saturday Night Live.

My Goals for the Presidency:

Economics: Quite recently, the country has been a buzz over what to do about our current economic woes, such as what to do about inflation, production of goods (etc.). Hekter, the forefront of the "eSocalism NOWWWWZZZZ" campaign, has published a synopsis of the Economic plan he has helped to devise, and has also in his most latest proposal, put forth a Ministry of Economics to help implement that plan. Quite Frankly, a great deal of support was shown through PM's, Articles, Forum Posts, and Congressional Representatives approval of the plan, and I think public support is behind it. During my term, I plan to at least be the starting point of implementing this "eSocalism project" and have Hekter lead the way.

Foreign Policy: At the moment, we have our allies in the eUSA (and ligtreb is running for VP...so two tophats for the price of one!) and we are faced with a Chinese counterattack plan against eIndo that manages to catch us in the middle. At this rate, I think now would be a good time to support the Chinese and the US in the struggle to prevent an invasion of PANAM if possible. If that means creating a few resistance war distractions in our regions, then by all means we should take the chance. During my presidency, I would be in cooperation with the eUSA and eChina over our situation, and if possible, seek our regions back from eIndo....through diplomacy first, but force always an option.

Defense: Defense reform has been the subject of hot debate recently. Pacmen has served us well during the Colombian war, and I can think of no higher priority for our country than seeing the best way the Government of the ePhilippines can organize the "wakka wakka's" into an efficient task force along with eSocalism. I don't mean to snipe out the competition ( 😉 ), but Niall seems to be at the forefront of some sort of reforms to the system, and I would be glad if he would serve as MoD or as an adviser to help us out.


-Reappoint MoM to the position of Minister of Merriment while trying to uncover their real identity.
-Try to find incentives for greater forum activity
-See if we could pass the Constitution this time
-Never give anyone up nor let them down....oh wait-


-2x Speaker of Congress; 1x Deputy Speaker in ePH
-Former Several x Times Member of Congress
-Presidential Adviser under Keegan, Jelly, and Hekter

So, if you want to secure the future of the ePhilippines, put it under Lock and KEI.

Thank you!

(P.S. Go Ligtreb/Other Person who I don't really care about but only because he is on the same ticket!)