[MinSol] Advanced Policy tutorial: Ministers and Congress members.

Day 2,171, 09:54 Published in Norway Norway by Immigrasjonsverket

-You may find this tutorial on the forum of the Ministry of Solidarity
-thank you to Kaname Darkwind for corrections.


This is one of the most important parts of politics (this being the executive role). Decisions will be made by the Government according to the department involved. The Congress will be taken into confidence if a law should be passed. You will know the ministers in each department by going to the "politics" tab.

In the elections of the President on the 5th, each party may choose a candidate. Often, some parties support a candidate of another party because none of its members wanted to run for the position. Here are the roles of each government member:

The main positions are:
- CP - Country President
The function of the CP is to lead the country. It coordinates the activities of the government and ensures that the work is done. The CP must be a good diplomat, as well as patient, attentive, active, and knowledgeable regarding game mechanics.

- MoD -Department of Defense
The MoD is the leader of the Norwegian military force. He/she provides communication between the government and the army. The qualities required for the position are: be active, be autonomous and have a modicrum of knowledge about the function of the armed forces, the alliances, and the game (especially for the strategic analysis and anticipation of enemy movements).

- MoFA - Minister of Foreign Affairs
The MoFA is the relationship between our government and that of other countries. His responsibilities involve meeting many MoFAs of allied or enemy countries to negotiate alliances, Mutual Protection Pacts (MPPs), Non-Aggression Pacts (NAPs) or simply take news of other countries. It requires good interpersonal skills.

- MinSol - Ministry of solidarity
This ministry’s purpose is to support new players, train them and teach them the basics of the game (the mechanics of wellness, training, working, etc ...). The goal is to retain as many players that sign up as possible so they continue to have fun and explore other facets of the game, such as the forum.

- Gouvernor - Ministry of Economy
He is responsible for government finances between the ministry of Defence, Foreign Affairs (MPP), and Solidarity (for new players). This ministry’s goal is to find a balance between spending and saving.


Legislative role: Each Congressman can propose two laws during his/her term (such as proposing a natural enemy, impeaching a bad president, donating money to various organizations, changing tax rates, etc... ) Congress cannot propose two laws of same nature in a single term.

Council for the first time in Congress ( to be a good congressman )
- Participate in the discussions
- Do not initiate a ‘funny’ NE because it could have a bad effect on our relations with the countries in question. Do not initiate an NE vote without consultation with the Government and Congress
- When there is a vote, ALWAYS keep your vote it until the last minute because there may be discussions or changing situations (the area that you want to attack is not good or that country leaves an alliance or abandons its regions ...)
- Some discussions may interest you more than others (economic, military...): you are not obligated to participate in all discussions. If you have a question or want more information, you can ask a member of your party or a Congressman who has more experience.
- CS: Never accept a CS if it is not accepted by the congress. Never agree to CS from enemy countries at Norway even if the player pays you in G. Never accept or ask for G or CC to a player requesting CS
- Vote in all possible discussions

NE: Natural Enemy: Congress votes for 24 hours to see if it should set a country as its favored enemy. If the vote passes, all damage done in battles against that country will be increased by 10%. The CP can also propose this law, and thus save a Congressman’s law slot. Requires ⅔ of congress approval to pass.
NAPs: Non Aggression Pact
CS: Citizenship
Donate: In general, a donation is requested by a ministry and run through legislation by Congress
IG: In Game
MPP: Mutual Protection Pact. Signed two countries that protects for 1 month. The cost is 10,000 NOK per country if Congress agrees. Only the CP can pass this law
IMPEACH: Removal of the President of the country. ⅔ of the Congressmen must approve his dismissal for it to go through
CP: Country President. Elected by the people for one month (from the sixth day of one month to the fifth day of the next)
PC: Congress President .
Citizen Fee: Sum donate to the player to his birth
PTO: Political Take Over, in general, a foreign player who took power by coup
ATO : Anti Take Over: Action of defense against a coup

- A Political Take Over , is this serious?

What will a PTOer do once elected? Like any other Congressman, he has two laws and a certain number of CS passes to give out. In general, a PTOer will use his two laws to harm the country: he will launch a NE on a country when nothing was requested/coordinated by the government or donate money to his own organization/a hostile organization. the other congressmen must vote against the laws of PTOer at all costs.
The problem with his CS passes, is that he will give nationality to his friends (A.K.A our enemies) in order to increase the chance one of them is elected next term. This process will be repeated as many times as it is allowed to happen, as the PTOers can collect tax money from the citizenry and generally terrorize the populous in a multitude of ways until we stop them.
The government constantly monitors these intruders as they candiate for the next Congress elections.
If one of them manages to get elected to the head of a party, then the country is threatened because they will also have the opportunity to run for country president.
If a PToer is ever elected to lead a country, he can destroy the country by emptying the coffers of the state and make it impossible for allied countries to work with them (in many ways, not just having no MPP alliances). At this point the country is ruined and will need a lot of time to rebuild.

- Strategies and political arrangement. (Especially in larger countries)

-For Presidency

A party has a presidential candidate that can appeal to members of other parties for their placement in his government (Generally, only experienced players will be chosen for the job of minister, but future ministers are welcome to apprentice for the minister, and help him with his duties as well as learn the intricacies of the position). These parties then show their support for the candidate IG or inform its members to vote for that candidate.

-For Congress

Generally, a party that isn’t in the top five will try to place one or more of its members in Congress so he can represent their party. For this, the party president asks a party in the top five to position his candidate in place of one of their own. In exchange for that place in the Congress, the party members outside top five vote for the party that presented one of their candidates.
This allows the party in the top five to increase the number of votes they recieve and gain additional seats in Congress (ideally more than they’ve given to the foreign party).

Assuming that all members vote and that we have three regions (30 seats in Congress) (I know this is optimistic 😁
The first case, no alliance: the distribution of seats in Congress will be as follows:

Party of top 5
1er: 200 party members 25% or 6 seats
2n😛 party members 180 22.5% or 6 seats
3r😛 party 160 members 20% or 6 seats
4th: 140 party members or 17.5% 6 seats
5th: 120 party members 15% or 6 seats

Party out "top 5"
6th: 100 party members
7th: 80 party members

Suppose now that the 6th Party allied with the second, we get the following result:
1: 200 party members 22.22% or 7 seats (6.66% Congress)
2n😛 party 180 + 100 or 280 members 31.1% or 9 seats (9.33% of Congress)
3 r😛 party members 160 17.7% or 5 seats (5, 31% of Congress)
4th: 140 party members 15.5% or 5 seats (4.65% Congress)
5th: party member 120 13.3% or 4 seats (3.99% Congress)

With an alliance, the second party will have two more congress members than if they had been alone. But as nothing in politics is simple, most of the parties come together and the final result is a net gain of 0.