[MinOfYouth] Upgrade kekeler!!

Day 2,331, 00:48 Published in Cyprus Greece by Adieu.

Hi babies,
This is preliminary article is for our babies as discount offers just appeared.
I'll write a more complete one tomorrow.

.: Discount Time :.

Discount offers on companies and trainign center appears regulary.
Keep your gold for these occasions.

.: Economy :.

First goals for a newbie are:
- to reach self-sufficient food production
- upgrade your training center to the base level

Spend your gold wisely between those 2 parts.

1/ Self-sufficient food production:

To be self sufficient you'll need to have 2x Q2 Food factories and enough raw food Farms (it's better to buy raw materials to begin).

If you want to make raw food production in a second time, buy only 125 and 250 ones:

2/ Training Center upgrade:

In the same time, you'll have to upgrade your training center.
You'll need patience and to take care of your golds to get to the base level,
which is Training#1 level 4 + Training#2 level 2.

This way you'll receive 5 Golds every 10days.

If you have any question you can send me a message.

NB#1: A more complete article will come
NB#2: Some food & maybe weapons distribution will come ; be patient and ask people.

Finway Divi Filius~
Minister of Youth & Liselier