[Ministry of Foreign Affairs] Our situation

Day 1,295, 11:00 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Ministry of Foreign Affairs CH

Hello Swiss citizens.

As you know,we got new government. Congratulations to our new CP Penguin.
This will be really difficult month for this government.

And now, about our current situation. We didn't waste time, so I've contacted our neighbours Slovenia and Macedonia about our regions.
Slovenia agreed to give us Graubunden back but only if Macedonia give them Lombardy,so they can have a bridge to their capital.
But... That was the problem for Macedonia. Lombardy is region with nearly 1400 MKD citizens and they dont want to give it.
But still, there is a chanse to return on the map without any force.
If we start an RW and return on the map ,Slovenia or Macedonia will propose us again as NE, and we are going into circle.

It would be the best for us if we could make a deal with those countries, beacause we are small and weak country.
Currently, we have to establish good relations with our neighbours, especially ONE alliance, 'cause we are surrounded by ONE.
We will continue our negotiations with those countries, and hope that we will be back on the map in a few days.

Also,we need ambassadors. Please,send me PM if you want to be one of them and represent Switzerland in eWorld.

News from Europe :

After being deleted,Romania is get back on the map.
They have reconquered some regions as Crisana and Transilvania, but they are still in war and might be deleted again.
Macedonia is still fighting with Greece,and it's going well for them.

'Till next time,

Sincerely Yours,

eSwiss Minister of Foreign Affairs

Note: The above signature is a personal attachment and does not reflect the meanings or intentions of the eSwiss government.