[Ministry of Finance] Economic Sanctions against eSerbia

Day 2,711, 08:33 Published in Thailand Norway by Major Lee Hung

Dear Citizens of the great Thai Empire,

It is with regret that I announce eSerbia has fired another economic weapon against us, the mighty and feared Embargo:

Such a step risks our citizens starving to death, unable to buy food or find work. The time for our response is now...

eSerbian Sanctions

In response to this embargo, please find below the details of our economic sanctions against eSerbia's leaders. Such a step was not taken lightly but it is all we can do under the circumstances.

Aca Djekic - President of eSerbia

The mighty warlord, pictured above as he awaits his horse & cart to travel to battle, is the first such target of our sanctions.

Aca Djekic came to prominence as Serbia's biggest Star Trek fan. What really pushed Aca to fame and in to the hearts of the eSerbian people wasn't his ability to recite Star Trek line for line; it was the discovery that he's actually the highest level World of Warcraft player in Serbia. Talent like this is not easy to find.

We must make sure that such an evidently powerful foe cannot get stronger, and so Aca Djekic is at the top of our sanctions list.

NikolaPartizan - Prime Minister of eSerbia

NikolaPartizan, also known as 'Mr. Math Homework', is the best tank that eSerbia has to offer. Often regarded as the brains behind the eSerbian regime, we feel such a dangerous villain cannot be allowed to escape our sanctions.

Rumour has it that Nikola is a ruthless and hardline leader. Once in a horrifying chain of events, a member of the eSerbian opposition once "stole" his battle hero award. What happened next was an unspeakable crime; he ordered 3 medium pizzas and a stripper to his adversaries house. He felt no remorse, only amusement.

Such a dangerous and ruthless man cannot possibly be allowed to escape sanctions.

Sorabija - eSerbian Minister of Finance

Sorabija was clearly the mastermind behind the idea of preventing eSerbians from selling to the only market with a trade deficit, where eSerbian goods once made up over 20% of all sales.

Sorabija's status as the manliest citizen in eSerbia warranted a position as the Minister of Finance. It is rumoured that Sorabija plays many games online with seven mainframe computers, each with more pornographic material on it than the last.

A prolific Wii Sports champion, Sorabija must be punished for their part in this economic battle.

Closing Notes

It is hoped that our actions will be followed by the rest of the eWorld. These three menaces to global stability need to be dealt with. We must step up our economic battle in order to defeat them once and for all.