[Military Events]Serbia going to Britain!!! + EDIT

Day 1,177, 10:55 Published in USA Serbia by dasa1234567890
One month ago, Serbian goverment goal was invasion on Italia and taking "pokemons" (regions with oil and fish)... but they needed border with Italia. Slovenia were conquer north of Italia, and Serbia was failed in battle for South Dalmatia se they didn't get border and Invasion was canceled. They started to look for other solution. They will rent regions from United Kingdom!

Congress of Germany has accepted Serbia as Natural Enemy (NE) and after Serbia defend Tyrol in RW, Germany will launch attack on that region so swap can start.

After Germany loose battle for Tyrol and Serbia get initiative they will attack regions:

- in Germany: Bavaria, Hesse,Rhineland-Palatinate;
- then Germany would make them pass through Belgium regions Wallonia and Flanders;
- after that Germany would make them pass through British regions East of England, East Midlands, Yorkshire, NE of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Map of that is:

After that swaping Serbia will rent regions East of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland and map of British isle should look like this:

When Serbia rent these regions they would have borders with Canada and they will closer to USA. Maybe there is possible invasion on Canada from Serbia...

EDIT: Serbian CP in this article says that rent for that 3 regions cost Serbia 250 gold for one month! Also he says that Invasion on USA is his primary goal ("Ја сам навео у мојој кандидатури да ми је напад на Америку циљ...")
Sorry for bad English 😃

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