[Military events]Poland plan, Invasion on Ukraine

Day 1,188, 12:54 Published in USA Serbia by dasa1234567890
As you can see Poland attacking Mexico and now they have border with Southeast of Mexico (USA), in this article I will write something about their plans. Also Ukraine is under invasion by Hungary and Russia...

Poland plan: Soon Poland must leave rented regions in USA, so they started to search for another solutions, that solutions are in South America.

RW in Southeast of Mexico:

President of Poland, Cerber started ressistance war in that region so if they win in that RW can attack Mexico in that region. If they win in that battle also they will have border with Venecuela and Colombia...

Invasion on Venecuela and Colombia:

When they get border with thesee two countries they will attack them one by one. No matter who is first on their way - both will be ocupied. Venecuela have region with Oil (North Eastern Venecuela), and Colombia have region with Rubber (Amazonica) for Poland. They can rent these regions or simly delete that two small countries so they doesn't need to pay anything!

If they want to rent thesee regions map should look like this:

If they want to conquer that countries map should look like this:

(I think that this will be...)
Invasion on Ukraine: Ukraine is rich with resurses, so they are on eye by Russia, hungary and Romania. These three countries have attacking Ukraine and fight each against other.

- Hungary attacking Region Bukovina (Romania) and there is one RW in Subcarphatia (Hungary).
- Romania attacking Northern Basarabia (Republic of Moldova).
- Russia attacking region Dnipro (Ukraine) and there is one RW in Taurida.

That is it for today...

Sorry for my bad english 😃
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