[Military events] ONE Empire - ONE world

Day 1,241, 11:31 Published in USA Serbia by dasa1234567890
When ONE alliance was created, no one of us didn’t know that map of the world will look like today it looks… ONE is powerful alliance and no one can stop them. They wining battle by battle with their “Blitzkrieg”, they deleting countries, they writing HISTORY OF NEW WORLD!

Invasion on USA: Long time ago I was writing about invasion on USA, today when it’s started I can see that I made big mistake, things are changed... Then it looked imposible (posible only in my articles xD), but today that is reality, ONE deleting USA!!! Regions fall one by one and today we have battles for Missouri and Kentucki.

When Mexico won in battle for Oklahoma they started attack on Missouri, with help of 5 strongest ONE countries they winning that battle and with Spain they will split USA on two parts...
Spain was succesfuly conquered Virginia and they launched attack on Kentucky. They winning that battle.

This war going to disaster (for USA), If Indonesia join this invasion end of USA will be here in few weeks, we can’t defeat enemies, there is no more tactics, there is only weapon! Fight until last welnes!

End of France: Spain and Poland started invasion on France few weeks ago. In same time, Brazil was attacking Spain, but Spain defeated Brazil in that campaign and continued attacks on French regions so there is battles for Paris isle of France and Poitou Charentes.

Spain attacked Paris isle of France and Poland attacked Poitou Charentes, after finish of that battles, on map will disapear French color...

Balkan games: I say „games“ because Hungary and Serbia plays with their enemies. They are strongest countries in that part of the world so noone can defeat them. Serbia attacked East Srpska republic (Bosnia and Hercegovina) and Hungary attacked Banat (Romania).

When Serbia conquer ESR they will attack Brcko Distrikt and delete Bosnia, so they can start, once more, Campaing in Croatia. Hungary trying to delete Romania for second time...

That is all for today...

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