[Military events] Iron road

Day 1,224, 06:49 Published in USA Serbia by dasa1234567890
As you know USA needs Iron for more resource bonus. We don't have it in our original borders, but we have it in our neighborhood. We can qonquer or rent it!

Neighborhood with iron:

Canada: Our Northern ally, they have one region with iron (Quebec) so we cant rent that region from them...

South America: That part of world have few Iron regions, closest to us is Andina wich is in Argentina hands. They already have iron in other regions so they can simply give it or rent to us. This is most posible way to USA get iron and below I will write about that.

Spain: Spain is our enemy. They have two regions who we can qonquer from them but we can't hold them for long time...

Irelan😛 Far east country, iron in Dublin. We can't use it because we can't make trade route to them...

That was regions with iron close to us. Now how we can get iron in South America:

We own region Southeast of Mexico which have border with region Caribe e Insular (Indonesia). If we want to get iron we must defeat Indonesia in South America, then when we win in battle for that region we will have border with Andina (Argentina). Argentina is our ally so they should start ressistance day before to give back region to its original country. After that we can qonquer that region and we will have trade route to Andina, and also we will have our Iron, we can defend it 🙂

For the US Iron!

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