[Military events]Invasions, swaps, secret plans...

Day 1,182, 13:31 Published in USA Serbia by dasa1234567890
In my few last articles I was writing about some military events that CAN be started. In this article I will write about military events that was started today...

Croatian secret plan: Well, it is not secret anymore xD Croatia started deleting Slovenia joined by Italy and they fighting well for now. Also Croatia attacked Federation of BIH (Sebia).

I think that Croatia want to kick out Serbia from Central Europe - Tyrol (Secret plan -.-) so they started invasion on Slovenia. That secret plan has already failed because Hungary made some wall/bridge so that Croatia can't get to border with Tyrol which is in Serbian hands 😃

Croatia succesfuly taking Slovenian regions, and now there is battle for Styria and Carintia. Italy attacking Slovenian colonies on their land and there is battle for Piedmont.
Serbian road to Britain: Serba continue swapping through Germany regions and there is "battle" for North Rhine-Westphalia. France trying to stop this swap!

Old Serbian ally which is now their opponent attacking Belgium in try to stop Serbian swapping to Britain, but Serbia have one more way to Britain so France was failed in this campaign -.-
Mexico-USA swaping: I think that Mexico started one swap with USA

USA would give region with grain (Nebraska) to Mexico, but Mexico must give USA region with ruberr...
Bulgarian India Company: Bulgaria started invasion on Iran wich main goal is reaching Pakistan and India...

I will write about that in my next article...

That should be military events for today 🙂

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