[miles]True Disengagement

Day 1,540, 19:01 Published in Romania USA by miles247

Disengagement, how does it work? We all rely on world for a proof of our existence. We exist only when others think about us. We are nobody when nobody thinks about us.

It is far too easy to say – I don’t care. The world can go f*ck itself for all i care – especially when you are young and energetic and you find society to be only worthy outlet of your energy. But, even this “I don’t care” betrays anger, meaning you still have some sort of emotion, which engages you back to the world. Because you have anger towards something and you want it to behave better, attaches you to it much like any other emotion. Disengagement works on a much higher and deeper level as has been brought to my notice lately.

In order to truly free oneself, one has to understand his/her engagements deeply. Understand their depths, their workings, if you really want to cut them from the root.

Human mind is an amazing thing. It keeps working all the time. And the times when we are not forcing it to think about something are the times that should be given more notice, for when mind is free, the memories have more truth value in my opinion. When we are walking down the road and listening to music, our mind still wanders. Give notice to where it has gone, for your mind still thinks about it. Try to understand what those wanderings mean and you might come to realise the depth of your connections/engagements. It is a difficult task, but easier than the second part still. For second part is to remove those connections from root level. Well, we all know how that works. Simple approach is to forget and laugh, for that is all you can do.

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