[Амбасадор во еУкраина]Интервју со претседателот[Mihail0vskii]

Day 1,520, 03:24 Published in Ukraine North Macedonia by Mihail0vskii

Кратко интервју со моменталниот претседател на еУкраина. (одговараше само со кратки одговори)

1.Why did you play the game?
-For good company and emotions.

2.When you start to play the game?

3.Who is imamradyk in real life?
-I am the director of the newspaper.

4.What are your commitments to eUkraine?
-Make the game interesting for the Ukrainian suspylstva.

5.What are the relations towards eUkraine-eMacedonia?
-In real life we are friendly nation.

6.What are your goals this month as president of eUkraine?
-Teach new people to run the country.

7.Do you have a mind to be a candidate for president and the next month?
-I have 2 time president. thirds live a normal life.

8.Can you tell us some of your war plans?
-They are... (не целосен одговор)

*На потпрашувањата не одговараше

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