[MeDs] Day 3,918 Lottery results

Day 3,919, 09:16 Published in Ireland Ireland by MeDs.

Hello, citizens of the free world.

Thank you for signing up on last weeks lottery.

Here are the winners and the assigned numbers.

If there are citizens that still want to participate they can just comment on this article and I will assign them a number.

Some of the players returned their winning. (I can resend the money upon request) This is not a practice that we wanted to achieve.

2500 CC can easily be spent if you already have a house or don't want to use the money.

Instead of rejecting the money we suggest the following:

1. Buy domestic items from the Market and use them in a war for Ireland or allies.
2. Buy weapons and food from domestic companies and donate them to your MU.
3. Donate the money to the country.
4. Do whatever you want but don't reject the donation 😃

Thank you for playing and see you next Monday with the new winners.

eIrish National Lottery