[Media Module] New changes, Hint&Tips and future advices

Day 1,241, 08:57 Published in Romania Romania by BaDaAtiLuatToateIdurile
I think all of you seen the last message from Plato. He announced the last changes to Media Module which were included today.
On the following article you'll find infos about the new changes but also a very important hint.

So now you have on the first page something like this:

*click for zoom*

If you click on a category you'll see the top voted articles from that category published in your country.
On the first look it seems that "Top rated" and "Latest" buttons from the left-up side of the page act only like some filter buttons.

*click for zoom*

And also on the first look is seems that you can't list all the articles from your country (either by number of votes either by the published time). This could be a very big problem because all of us are used to see daily the top of the most voted articles.

But there can be a solution.If you'll click on Subscriptions or International buttons you'll see then all the articles published in your newspaper subscriptions (time order) or all the articles published internationally (order by vote number) whatever category you selected before.
If you'll next click "Top rated" you'll see the first 10 articles from your country order by the vote number (just like before). The same thing is happening if you'll click "Latest".

*click for zoom*

This process can be made a lot easier by adding to the favorite links the list of articles that have interest for you.
For example the top voted Romanian articles link is this: http://www.erepublik.com/en/news/rated/all/Romania/1
And the latest Romanian articles (whatever the category is) is this: http://www.erepublik.com/en/news/latest/all/Romania/1

Another interesting feature added today is that you can see the list of all newspapers where you are a subscriber. And even you can edit this list.

*click for zoom*

Message for eGods - Thanks for the changes. This could bring some more quality to the daily articles. However you can easily add a button "see all" to make all this stuf easier.

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