[MDP] Homer J Simpson for Ontario

Day 1,553, 21:21 Published in Canada Canada by Homer J Simpson

This congress election vote smart. Vote for people who are active, people who are willing to put in the effort to participate in debates and vote on issues.

Before you vote for someone simply because you recognise the name or like the logo, ask them what they are going to do. If they are in this month's congress then ask what they have contributed.

This month we have struggled to get congressmen to input their thoughts into discussions. Even more difficult has been trying to get people to vote with the average voting numbers around 16. This means that, on average, 19 congressmen couldn't be bothered enough to type "yes" or "no".

This is what these people want from you:

Don't let them get their way. Have a look in open door congress on the eCan forums and see who is active.

Vote for Homer J Simpson in Ontario

If you want to get involved in an active party follow the links below and sign up on the forums and in game.

In game link - http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/military-dictatorship-party-3372/1

Forums - http://dictatorship.forumotion.com/

You and MDP , a winning team!

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