[MDP] Article Titles are Overrated

Day 2,008, 13:51 Published in Canada Canada by I-Bleed-Blue-93

With PP elections now firmly behind us all and congress elections just around the corner eCanada has been a busy and somewhat turbulent place. With RW’s starting and finishing without much impact, PP’s getting temp-banned here and there and questions of where eCanada will be this time in the next couple months, there is not much that most eCanadians have to look forward to these days. With many eCanadians going to different extremes to escape this turmoil; whether it be going to other nations seeking refuge, becoming 2-clickers, or leaving the game altogether, the future for many looks bleak.

But I say no, no to this regression, no to this occupation, and no to this future. With many people not knowing what to do, where to go or who to listen to I can offer only this. The Military Dictatorship Party.

1. Military Council
2. Country President
3. Congress
4. MDP Programs

The Military Council

This month’s Military Council, much as it has been before, consists of members of the MDP with immeasurable experience. These citizens have held countless titles, led countless programs, and done countless deeds for eCanada and the MDP itself.

The first member of this term’s Military Council is Mary Chan. Someone of whom I have the utmost respect for her determination, hard work, countless ideas, and many other traits. She is always a voice over your shoulder nudging you in the right direction. She has earned this spot once more, and will continue to serve the MDP, I foresee, far into the future.

The second Military Councillor this term is SGTRock, another repeat. SGTRock has held countless titles, led innumerable MU’s and projects and is a spring of knowledge with a wealth of experience. His constant advice and suggestions are something I have come to expect and rely on as a source for good advice and wise council.

The third, and final, member of my Military Council this term is someone with which eCanada is very familiar, whether it be for his endless hours of supplying our forces during important battles, advising new players and pointing them in the right direction, or chatting with him on IRC. I speak of course of Eric Last, someone whom I’ve come to know in these past few months from the Ministry of Defense as my 2x co-MoD. He will be an excellent addition to the council this month, and hopefully in the future as well.

Country Presidents

This month, for the 3rd consecutive term, the MDP is proud to have one of our own leading eCanada. We would like to thank Homer J Simpson for his hours upon hours of hard work and commitment to the office of President as well as to his nation of eCanada.

He has done a remarkable job of leading eCanada during this crisis and occupation, improving our image and reputation abroad, whilst simultaneously improving our nation at home.

We at the MDP thank you Homer, for the outstanding work you have done.

Of course no President can lead forever, and sooner or later Homer will retire to allow someone else to step up to the plate (not that we want him to). It is with Homer’s legacy in mind that the MDP will continue to support only the finest CP candidates to lead our great nation.


With congress elections coming up, and an inevitable push not far away, the MDP has been considering who would best lead eCanada’s congress as MDP Congress people. The MDP prides itself on putting forth only the finest and most effective congress candidates, whilst exposing the newer players to the scene at a reasonable rate.

An article will be released closer to election time outlining the MDP congressional line-up as well as our official platform and items needing to be addressed for the term.


MDP New Player Assistance Program (NPAP)

With all of these other party programs starting up to help eCanadians during this time of war I am proud to announce that the MDP NPAP shall continue to service new and young eCanadians as we have in the past. Pointing them in the right direction and giving them the helpful kickstart that they need has always been our goal and it shall continue to be.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to PM me or any of my Military Councillors. Otherwise, Fight Hard and Fight Smart eCanada.

Dictator of the Military Dictatorship Party

TL😉R: Homer got elected again, yay. New Military Councillors, yay. Programs, yay. MDP is great \o/

P.S. MDP MDP MDP MDP MDP just for Auk Rest