[MDP] Advisable

Day 2,458, 17:48 Published in Canada Canada by Maximus.Decimus.Meridius.

And like that Click Click I was given more to write about!

I have 'long' supported the creation of an in game message group between congress and the current government. Many here do not think such a thing is necessary because we have a forum and that is where serious discussion should stay. I do not refute this. The ingame group can be used though to quickly relay urgent messages from government to congress, and to keep the two groups more closely connected.

The current Deceleration of War upon India just goes to prove the usefulness of such an in game congress thread. People can point a finger at our CP for clicking the wrong button, but what about the many more people in congress who clicked yes to it? While some congress members attend the forums, many other do not, and those that do will not check it very often or before they vote on proposals.

The CP posted on the forums to vote no on his proposal but clearly many do not check the forums before voting. It was also shouted in the friends feed to vote no, but once again it seems people click on notifications first. Maybe it would have come to the same result regardless if there was a congress pm group, but I'm willing to bet that there would be more no votes than yes votes if there was a message notification in a players interface which told them of the situation...

I'm one of the 3 who voted no (as of writing), since I took the 3 seconds to read the proposal to see declaring war in the place where it should have read natural enemy 😮