[MC]Level 500 !

Day 3,633, 14:31 Published in Denmark Denmark by Maine Coon

Level 500 !

Thank you Plato for basicly free tanking at Halloween.

When I realized the damage possible in this event, I thought "why not - I'm so darn close"

After 5 levels today, I finally reached the goal - level 500 ( actually 501 ) \o/

I know this is "just a game" but I still have goals to reach, and lvl 500 was the last one I had.

What to do now ? I really don't know...... I have no more goals.....

Maybe I should spend even more time in RL ( I heard its awesome outthere )

Take more trips and walks with the camera to see the awesome nature around me.

I saw many reach lvl goals, and people getting to legendranks - congrats everyone! 🙂