[MC]Lets get this party (re)started

Day 1,606, 07:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Michael Crookes

Hello eWorld!

I am writing to you today with regards to the United Kingdom Reform Party. Through my time playing erepublik I have never had so much fun as I had during my tenure in the UKRP. I made some fantastic friends and had some incredible times, and some very late nights co-ordinating elections.

In recent times the UKRP has seen a huge decline in membership, influence and activity in the country. The decline has been going on for some months now and It makes me very sad to see the party that gave me so much fun falling into ruin. It is my intention to attempt to prevent the party from falling any further into this sorry state and to that end I would like to announce that I will once again be running for the role of party president of the UKRP.

So where do we begin?

Our members

The backbone of any party is the (of course) the members in the party and the amount of work they are willing to put into the party. It saddens me to say that in recent times the UKRP has seen its membership fall and we now have less active members in the party than at any time I can remember.

However, That does not mean that we are beyond saving as a party, that just means that we (as the members of the party will need to work harder than ever to get things moving in the right direction again. It will not be easy for us to climb the ladder of UK politics again, but it is by no means impossible IF WE WORK TOGETHER FOR THE COMMON GOOD

We really do need to work together in this and so I would like to appeal to all members of the UKRP who are willing to get involved in some capacity to contact me. You can send me a message in game, catch me on the irc (I will be idling in #UKRP when I am online) or post on the forums.

New members

I am all too aware that no party can be effective in the community at large without new members joining. New members provide new ideas and initiatives, new enthusiasm and encouragement to the more established members of the party. whats more, new players mean new friendships and stronger community within the party, which is ultimately what we are trying to build, a group of friends working together to support one another and have fun doing it!

It is for that reason that I would like to appeal to any and all members of the united kingdom, please consider coming and joining us at the UKRP.

Why should you join the UKRP?

In honesty, the UKRP is not the place you should come to at the moment if you are a player interested in how a party can serve you. I can appreciate that some members of the community rely on a party for food and weapons etc. and to be frank, the UKRP is not in a position at this point in time to replicate the food and weapons schemes we see in other parties.

However, we are looking to build the UKRP once again into a successful party, a party in whose members work together to support one another and to support our country. We will perhaps not regain our high standing in eUK politics for a few months, but in the meantime, we will set to rebuilding our party, and having fun doing it

If you want to join us, whether you are new to the game or you are a level 169 tank, you would be most welcome!!!


Henry Ford once said “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
Let us come together as those who believe in better for our country
Let us keep together as friends enjoying a game together
Let us work together, for each other and for our country!

Stay safe and play hard!

(Michael Crookes)