[ Matzanesia ] The Matza Story / Povestea Matzei

Day 751, 04:38 Published in Hungary Romania by GabrielP

☻ [ro] Poate ca v-ati intrebat ce inseamna MATZA... eh, a venit timpul sa va spun si secretul asta:
☻ [en] Maybe you ask yourself what is MATZA... eh, now is time for you to know this well-guarded secret:

☻ [ro] Cand eram mic am avut un prieten care m-a ajutat mult ca sa cresc mare:
☻ [en] When I was little I had a friend who helped me to grow stronger:

☻ [ro] Joaca impreuna a insemnat un bun antrenament pentru razboaiele viitoare...
☻ [en] Our play together was a good exercise for the battles to come...

☻ [ro] Si antrenamentul a continuat, mai in gluma, mai in serios...
☻ [en] And we exercise daily our battles...

☻ [ro] Si m-am intors ranit dar invingator din primul meu razboi...
☻ [en] And one day I returned injured but victorious from my first real fight...

☻ [ro] Toti imi stiau de frica...
☻ [en] Back then all used to fear me...

☻ [ro] ...Si fetele din cartier ma admirau...
☻ [en] ...And the girls from neighborhood admired me...

☻ [ro] ...pana mi-a cazut netul...
☻ [en] ...until an internet server failure stroke...

☻ [ro] ...Si a trebuit sa-l repar la loc...
☻ [en] ...And I had to repair it...

☻ [ro] Si m-am intors in lupta, in prima linie...
☻ [en] And I was back on the battlefield, in the frontline...

☻ [ro] Iar dupa victorie am sarbatorit cum numai noi stim...
☻ [en] And after the victory we had an awesome party...

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"The MATZA Story" by GabrielP