#MakeItRain For CP

Day 2,569, 15:52 Published in USA USA by GoneAndGone

Real talk though, let us examine why Rainy Sunday is the better candidate than Deep Chill.

Reason 1) Deep Chill stands for winter. Winter sucks. You gotta shovel, and pay for heat and all that awful stuff. Who wants more of it?

Reason 2) Rain brings flowers and life. Thus, Rainy Sunday would build the community and bring new life to the game.

Reason 3)The old saying goes “The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.” Thus, it is evident that with Rainy as CP, we were enter a war with Spain, and we’d stay there, thus owning them. All the cool kids hate Spain at the moment, so a war with them would be considered dope (or so I’m told.)

In your party primaries today, and in the coming elections, I encourage you to #makeitrain and vote for Rainy Sunday for CP.