[MaartenW] The Program

Day 1,385, 00:22 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by MaartenW

Hello all,
I've had very little sleep in the last days so pleas tell me if I made some grammatical mistakes.

Foreign Affairs

Someone asked me in the previous days if I was in favour of joining TERRA or EDEN, my answer is no. They can't do any more for us then they do now and we can't do anything more for them then we do now. The only thing what would change is that our title as country changes from Neutral to "TERRA" or "EDEN" allied which will most likely trigger Poland to just completely conquer us which will leave us without a base of operations.

I would like to continue focussing on individual countries my personal slogan on this is: "It's better to have a friend then an ally."


I've always loved serving for this department (never been really successful in leading it) I started my military career about three years ago when became Colonel in the Dutch army and General after that. About a year ago (in Phoenix alliance time) I moved to Indonesia where I've served for 10 months a big difference with here was that you really felt part of a team, because you were hanging out with your whole division often on the IRC. My plans are to get such an experimental division going most likely with not really high (strength) requirements which will be a flexible and quickly deployable army group.

Also I really like that El Gorro has gotten the daily order system back on track I think this kind of global and simple orders are the best to rule out miscommunication and it gives a lot of less administration. I hope he keeps it up this period 😉

Home Affairs

I agree with my opponent broersje that we should keep pressure on the weekly update and the government meetings. I would like add to the job-prescription of the Minister of Home Affairs that he makes notes of the meetings.


I would like finance and defence working really close together this month communicating on a weekly base (perhaps during the gov meeting) about what money/resources are available and how much money/resources are needed.

If you have any questions about my program I warmly welcome you to personally discuss it with you on the IRC 🙂 http://miburl.com/m4cbLP

And how ever the elections may turn out, I'm proud of you Netherlands.
Salute to you o7