[MaartenW] The Congress Candidates for PReI + Voting advice

Day 1,495, 04:30 Published in Indonesia Netherlands by MaartenW
[UPDATE] YOU CAN FIND THE VOTING ADVISE HERE http://tinyurl.com/PreiAdvice

Hiya, For starters...
A merry christmas to all of you!

I got a movie tip for you 🙂 it's called Joyeux Noël (Merry Christmas in French) it's about Christmas eve 1914 in at the french frontline in worldwar I. This movie changed me in some way I think it gave me hope in humanity after all cause its based on a real story.

Well enough about offtopic Christmas and movies I will now proudly present you the short presentations some of the PReI candidates sent to me.

1st one up,
Yessy Febrina

Yessy Febrina also known as just Yessy is running in Sulawesi. Her experience is aberi soldier, vice captain Aberi BG2 and vice captain akaberi. Her slogan is: Let's make a change!


He is running in Kalimantan his CV is congressman, minister of foreign affairs, minister of social (newbie) and aberi soldier and he is running to fill up his boring holiday.

His slogan is: Forever alone in my loneliness.


Nayanda also known as Mariana is running in Java her CV is government member, aberi soldier, pangab and MU commander. Her presentation is:
"I will always listen all people say..
I will always here for all people.."

And she is running with the slogan: always listen and understand all people


He is running in Lesser Sundra Island his experience is that he has been in congress for four times now. His presentation is karena saya ganteng kk and his slogan stay brutal lan semeleh.

BlackList Princess

She is running in Mindanao her experience is Congresswomen and MoD of eIndonesia. Her presentation: "Im giving myself another chance to help eIndonesia to become not merely a better eNation but to be a strong eNation like she used to be..." She is running with the slogan NKeRI harga mati 😛

3rd time

3rd time also known as thirdtime ... is running in KwaZulu Natal. His experience is "commander of akaberi, aberi BG1 and aberi BG2. His presentation is: "Why people should vote me? simple... if u trust me... vote me..." and he is running with the slogan: vote me gays!!!


Masbro is running in Gauteng his experience is President, MoD, ABeRI Commander and so on. That kind of experience would deserve a vote 🙂

Adden Salampessy

He is running in Limpopo his experience is 2 times Congressman and ABeRI Soldier his presentation is: "Because i have enough experience in eRepublik" and he is running with the slogan "I'm not afraid because i'm handsome."

Ok good luck all!

If you are running for PReI but you are not on this list pleas send me an PM then with a short story like the ones above.