[MA] Overview of the past 2 days

Day 1,492, 19:45 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli
NOVI SAD, Serbia - Gentlemen, I'm drunk as shit. I did promise a short article so I will do my best. So please forgive me on my typos and stupid sentence form.

Yesterday we were outplayed. As simple as that. We pulled out a pretty good move, but China was impressive. Let's not lie now, they do have huge gold stock, they could afford the move they did. So let's see what happene😛
1) Paki attacks Iran in order to move regions to the left, so MKD can pass through Balo
2) China attacks Balo while focusing all damage on Iranian Sistan & Baluchisan.
3) Paki puts more pressure onto S&B, ignoring Balo battle, as no one cares about it.
4) China realizes Paki's only MPP, SK, has no regions, hence, after Balo is taken, we cannot attack
5) wiped
6) ???
7) china's profit

I must say the move from China was great, good in old eRep terms, but GREAT in new, where no one really thinks. So okay, we were outplayed, who cares. What is important is how our allies reacted during this battle.

As you all know, we had two really close allies, Serbia and Turkey. We fought for MKD here, so it's a battle for ONE and against EDEN. Hence, it's against Turkey in some way. While I can understand Croatians, Indian and Chinese fighting in this battle, I cannot understand why Turks were fighting against us.

First of all, the battle itself was not relevant for Turkey. It was more MKD vs India battle, and China to some extent. Second, after Turkey started fighting ONE, Hungary's official statement was not to fight in battles against Turkey directly. While I do not agree with that policy, I respect it, as you need balls to say something like that. I expected same from Turkey, knowing these battles are not their priority. But, Turks decided to lick EDEN balls instead of helping allies or even ignoring those battles, so we were in the position to beg Lazokrats not to fight against us. Is this really the way friends treat eachother?

On the other hand Serbian unit Guardian Angels kept hitting against us (individuals ofc), and I was unable to reach them. This is the second time in the last 2 of our wars individuals from that MU decided to chase BH rather than help ally and I am going to use all connections I have there in order to drive away those players from our playground. I simply no longer trust them (sry soonchica, ur buddies are fags ).

Third, probably the last, is the fact that we have no RWs started ever since we got wiped. The last day for putting congress candidatures is tomorrow, so we have exactly 29+24 hours to release one region. Because MKD needed us for this initiative and we spent our weapons and manpower for them, I expect heavy MKD help to regain one of our regions until congress elections.

I am heavy proONE, but, trust me, that can easily change

