[M.O.S.] A Start! <img src="/images/smileys/smile.gif" ; />

Day 1,033, 05:54 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Ministry of Solidarity

As you can see now the Ministry of Solidarity has its own newspaper!!🙂
In this newspaper the Ministry will publish articles to help babies in eSwitzerland having a nice time.

In this 1st article we will show to babies how to communicate with some of the most experienced players in eSwitzrland and make questions, the link to the chat is http://02.chat.mibbit.com/. When you enter the site in ''IRC'' you search of Rizon[webirc] you write your ingame name in ''Nick'' and in ''Channel'' you write #eswitzerland.


Vice Minister of Solidarity: PanosTheAthenian http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/3127595'
Minister of Solidarity: cooldude97 http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1448823'

P.S. If you have any question just contact these persons 🙂

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