[M&N][EN] Why eSerbia cannot be the HERO all the time?

Day 1,423, 23:45 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Lagos Baunty

[申報] To citizen of eSebria from a citizen of eRepublic of China
[申報] 中華民國的意見就是要讓科索沃存在


Why eSerbia cannot be the HERO all the time?

First, let us see the preliminary analysis of eKosovo's independency
eKosovo voting – preliminary analysis

Did everybody notice that we made the highest votes ratio(94😵 to eKosovo independency? (Figure shows below) I am really proud of it !!! I think there are many countries in the same situation in RL just like Kosovo and even Taiwan, and that's why we voted the most to its independency. We know how they feel, how difficult of they, what they want and maybe why they eager to be free.

I am not here to provoke a war, but just to talk about to respect, to understand and to open your mind. Taiwan (eROC) is also in the similar situation in RL world, but do you see what eChina did in the past? They help us to build our own country, to kick out those PTOers, to help us defend enemies, and the most important thing is, they gave us an independent country and become our alliance in eWorld. Maybe eChina didn’t get any materially repay from us, but we are their best friend right now. We interact for nearly two years, we talk, we discuss, we cooperate, and we help each other. Finally, we're so appreciate for what eChina have done to us, you will always be our brother.

Unfortunately, that’s not eSerbia going to do, all I saw in these days about what eSerbia did is to force eKosovo to be part of them, and never think about how they feel. In history, we called them “Tyrant”, and they usually were overthrown by some unknown nobodies, who we will call them “HERO”. In fact, there’s a truth that eSerbia will never involve eKosovo in if they don’t want to. Everybody have their own opinions to themselves, why don’t you just open your mind to accept it and respect it.

Please remember that “A Hero is always a gentleman !!!”



[M&N] 花心亂講之台灣一條龍...



就像這首歌一樣:Pray for You - Jaron and The Long Road to Love
如果你需要中文翻譯字幕:為妳禱告(Pray for you)


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