<Insert Title Here>

Day 2,152, 20:12 Published in Canada Canada by I-Bleed-Blue-93

I'm bored, give me something to write about or whatever.

This article is Top 5 and that is not okay.

TemujinBC is a butt. That is all that I, or anyone else should have to say about or in regards to TemujinBC

Also, I never understood his name, Temujin wasn't born in BC. He was in fact born around 1160 in the mountains of Northern Mongolia. UNLESS ITS TEMUJINBC and the BC stands for BeCause, as in I do what I want BeCause I'm Temujin...man idfk

Maybe he is from BC? Maybe it means Butt Champion? WHO KNOWS

FINALLY, am I the only one who, when they think of Tem, picture this?

As for TWO, they need to get their shit together and start fighting.

I picture, Spoland V Hungerbia V A bunch of lessers V Everyone else in TWO.
Wouldn't it be great? Poland has declared Hungary as a Natural Enemy. etc etc, with such a war going on CoT would break free all over the place, and then (hopefully) go to war with itself! yay!

World Peace is boring, World War is the only way forward, but this World War should have more than 2 sides, why not 7? WHY NOT?!

Did I does it rite Acacia?