[LSD] Article regarding some important issue's

Day 1,042, 10:28 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by LSD Party Centre

[LSD] Formateur,

Dear Libertarian Social Democrats members,

Election result
First of all we want to thank all our members for their vote last congress elections. Its sad to see the ammount of votes is still lowering. We hope this will change fast in the upcomming month.
We would like to say to our new elected congressmembers to vote ‘No’ on all current congress proposals as they are not legal! Also, please pay attention to your inbox ingame, you will receive a message soon about your new job!

As the LSD have won the elections the party have now appointed a formateur for the new government; ArtemIvanov.
He will lead the talks with other parties to form a new government.

Upcomming Country President[CP] elections
Also, we have received several announcements from people that want to become Country President. Please join the debate at our forum about these candidates. Within a few days we will start a poll to decide which candidate will get our official support for the elections.

Langauge debate inside the party
Last point, officialy the languale at the forum is changed to dutch again. That's why I also raised the debate again in our party. As party we where used to bilingual before the country langauge changed to english. This was because we had several non dutch speeking members that wanted to debate with the other members. Please join the debate about this issue at this topic.

'Join LSD if you value liberty and social policies!'