【LLEC】Long Live EChina 会员招收通告

Day 2,107, 23:18 Published in China China by Namewee


         Long Live EChina(简称 LLEC
党魁:Anas Vella

最近我国各大党都面对严重的会员流失,尤其是我们这排名第五大的政党,会员已锐减到危险水平!在此呼吁目前无党无派且谙华语玩家加入,以便巩固我们 EC 的自主权!


For those foreigner that do not fluent in mandarin, please stay away from eChina's congress election.

Please do understand, eChina is a well develop e-nation, in terms of community organization and unity. We are taking the PTO issue seriously and treat all kind of unauthorized action to our elections as a threat to our nation.

Please do respect eChina's sovereignty!
