[Leroy Bloodshed] Congressional Platform

Day 577, 21:28 Published in Israel Israel by Leroy Bloodshed

Since we'll be seeing a "mad rush" of publications concerning candidates desires to sway your votes this upcoming election, I'll keep this short and sweet, saving my "hot air" for when I'm pounding on the congressional pulpit, rofl.

The short of it is this, in the one term since I've become congressman, there have been some major changes it our national and political scenes. My original platform for the most part stays untouched as we continue to resolve those original issues. We'll call this the "revised edition":

1) CITIZEN WELLNESS continues to be a major issue our nation faces. We must increase our citizens health for personal growth, national defense and production benefit.

2) We need FAIR EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION for our working citizens. Workers making money, purchase items they need, results in more product turnover on the market, better company profits, more government income from tax and a stronger economy.

3) GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION is still an ongoing situation. Even after I created a forum thread specifically for the centeralization of all government information, it is seldom used. Our citizens are not educated as to what is happening in our nation as they don't know where to find the information that they need to answer their questions. We need ONE central location that everyone is aware of 🙂

4) HOSPITALS AND DEFENSE SYSTEMS need to be purchased, not for all our territories, just the few that touch neighboring countries. Funds were collected for these purchases, lets get the current numbers, figure out how much more is needed and then secure those funds. Our nation needs this and our citizens deserve nothing less.

So much for keeping this short and sweet, lol. In summary, once elected congressman again for a second term, I will continue to push for more government organization, the betterment of our nation and the wellbeing of our people. You trusted me before, you know I'm active, if you approve of how I've handled myself in my previous term, I'd appreciate your support by allowing me to continue my efforts to make eIsrael a better place to live.

Vote ~Leroy Bloodshed~ For Congress

May Israels star forever shine bright!!!!,
Leroy Bloodshed (N District Congressman & Minister of Health)

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