[Leinades na HRAD] Ministry of Industry ...and others [SHORT ARTICLE]

Day 1,473, 07:13 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Leinades

Today: Answer to the question.
Read last article: Short and to the point

What it will do the Ministry of Industry?

-Cooperation with the MoE (writing a guides on the economy)
-Encouraging the establishment of companies
-Help new businessmen

-Spolupráca s Ministerstvom Vzdelávania (Písanie sprievodcu k ekonomike)
-Podpora na vytváranie podnikov
-Pomoc novým podnikateľom

Only this? Yes! Because so much is enough for happiness 😉


I would like to raise an important issue. When voting you ask ourselves:
If you want boredom in CSFR again?

You answer yes?
Vote for a person who has you in the nose.

You answer no?
Vote for someone who has plans!

Let's change for a better reality! I do not say that I am the better...
We learn about it after the vote (who is better). But please vote with your head.