[Leinades na HRAD] Government

Day 1,475, 07:56 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Leinades

Today I present my yours Government.

President - Leinades
Presidential special forces (adviser) - smrtan

MoIA - fwdre (norso)
vMoIA - Tomas Jelinek
vMoIA - bodlakov

MoFA - Hochelus
vMoFA - Milosh Feldmarshal
vMoFA - logamac
vMoFA - kb1992

MoE - ave Michal
vMoE - martin 123456789
vMoE - MakedonecMKD

MoD - Markusiak
vMoD - Dimitru Osraldescu

MoFI - the Dentist
vMoFI - Stileth*
vMoFI - BaskB

*Stileth - Why is not he the main minister? To teach newbie.

To the government can attach each (if I win). Willing to get a job as "assistant". Perhaps one day the students will grow to high-ranking politicians 😉 Interested please write me a private message.

Dec 05 - Vote for Leinades from Vesela Strana CSFR

Rea😛 http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-leinades-na-hrad-short-and-to-the-point-1915708/1/20