[Kyle4PotUS] What We Need

Day 860, 13:01 Published in USA USA by Kyle321n
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4001/4458981188_f500e2e8a5_o.jpg" width="450" height="161">

Peaches come from a can
They were put there by a man
In a factory downtown
If I had my little way
I'd eat peaches every day
Sun-soaking bulges in the shade

I am here to make this article short and sweet. I won't clutter it with anything else.

I am announcing my intentions to run for
President of the United States of America.

Kyle4PotUS? I know it seems like I'm a long shot but I've got some plans for this country and I believe it's everything that we need to turn this country around. Clearly we're in trouble, we've got an economy that's slagging around and being blah, we've got an alliance that's a little angry at us, and our retention rate is horribly low. Now there's a lot that I'm going to propose that can't be put into National Goals, and realistically there's not a lot you can do with those National Goals.

Here's a really quick layout of my plans for the country and I will get more detailed in the next 5 days, so you know who you are picking when you pick me. These are a few of the thing in which I'm going to file under "What We Need"

1. Get all manufacturing military people in military run weapons and ticket companies and buy iron and oil from only Military Friendly companies.
Many people know I'm a military mind, and have been for months on end. We need to start producing the cheapest damage in the world and this plan, which will be laid out in my first article will be earth shattering.

2. Lower the peg back to .02 and get exporting our Raw Materials. Because that's what we can do
Yep, we need to start exporting. Again, first article will focus on some economic things, and we need to desperately fix our economy. I've got Economic friends, and they'll be joining me.

3. Negotiate with our allies, possibly start a 3rd alliance with us as the big dawgs
Why do we get pushed around by alliances? Well we really don't, but I'd like to see us take some charge in the world. The Broliance is amazing and I <3 Canadians. The Spainish, Fins and Norwegian are awesome as well, we can't turn our back on our friends, but there are some deadbeats in Atlantis... er... I mean EDEN and I kind of forsaw this coming when I voted no on joining EDEN back in November. More to come on this.

4. RAWR+Fun, because we need retention
Call me Ishmael. Some years ago--never mind how long precisely --having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world.

Sorry, but I have a White Whale, and we shall get it. It will be part of our RAWR and Fun campaign.

So that's it folks, Kyle4PotUS. Here's something from the last campaign, I'm sure the wonderful person who made this for me last time will make me a new one with the new campaign slogan.

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Fightin' 'round the World's podcast is back. We air a new episode every Thursday at 19:00 eRepublik. Click here to listen to the latest episode of season 2 and go back and listen to your favorite past episodes. Be sure to listen live, so you can call in and discuss with the panel.

Now that I'm running for president I'm looking for president I'll need a moderator, please PM me if you are interested in hosting this.

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