[KT89] Canada in Mayhem? We've Been Here for Months

Day 1,030, 20:55 Published in Canada Canada by Kilgore Trout 89

I just spent an hour writing an article about the state of Canadian politics. It was really good. Then I hit the "Publish" button and lost the entire article because eRep logged me out.

Here's the tl;dr version:

Canadian politicians are all out for themselves. Nobody cares about policy or making the country a better place. What they care about now is getting as much gold as possible for fighting and getting as many titles to put in their forum signature as possible.

Have you read in the news how Rolo is a PTOer and committed a conspiracy to take over eCanada, steal our money and eat our babies? How about the list of other Canadian politicians who took part in the planning? You didn't hear about that? Want to know why? Because just before elections, they decided to let people in on their little plan. They promptly stood up and told the government, "Yes. I helped plan a PTO. Now ignore that and lynch the CP". From what the eCanadian media and various IRC channels are saying, this plan has been months in the works. At the last minute, almost everyone involved backed out and because of a few hours of alleged honesty are not only able to avoid punishment or public embarrassment, but also get to stand up in public and maintain that they are hard working citizens who fought for great justice. Whether their motives were just or not, nobody thought to cry foul until they had a chance to gain from it.

And where does this all leave us? In a country where politicians work the media and Strategic Voting Teams in order to gain power. What do they do while in power you ask? What every good politician does, rack up titles and qualifications while maintaining the status quo. What about all the promises to make eCanada a better place? Look around, has anything changed since the start of V2? How about before V2? No, things remain the same because self-aggrandizement and media popularity rule our country.

At least some of you reading this probably have ideas on how to make the country a better place. Some of you are probably relatively unknown. My advice to you is two-fold.

1) Make your ideas heard. Shout them, write an article, get them on a forum. Go to a political party and let them use your idea to get votes. Your idea could be garbage or it could change the country for the better. TCO was scoffed at in the beginning and now it's internationally respected. Speak up.

2) Move to another country and voice your idea here. Canadian politicians won't hear you unless you have a list of achievements and on overly inflated ego.

P.S. Make sure you're logged in before you press "Publish".