[KING] All things come to an end

Day 1,158, 22:17 Published in Malaysia Japan by Fruitcommando

Hello eMalaysia, It has been 2 days since we began the war but It feels like it has been a month. I have obviously failed you as a leader, and I regret many things I have done. The war was a giant mistake, however It did not happen the way I wanted to. A few days ago (3 I think) I proposed an idea to attack Singapore, though I had been discussing this idea with my ministers for about a week. When presented to congress on the forums it had a lot of undecided people, and people who just against it. When I got on the next day I was surprised for it to be up for voting in congress, even more surprised was that it was passing. The first thing I did was make an article about it, just to have some fun as I usually enjoy writing articles. Second was to talk to Myntax, MoFA of Malaysia and ask him to get some support from our friends. Third was to go ask PACMAN for help (note that this war was not planned to happen so quickly), though I had been talking to hekter about it before it happened..about a week or so when the idea first came up. Though just an idea at the time. When this happened, I was invited into a chat with the president of ePhilippines and Hekter, we then started talking about what they would do. I just asked that they support the war just so I could tell you guys that they supported it, so you would feel more comfortable with the war happening. They then proceeded talking about how they wouldn't support it, and that I should have given fair warning (I did talk to him a week before, and since it wasn't planned to happen right then I even didn't have fair warning really). I of course supported the war, I proposed it to congress on the forums so I didn't care that it happened before when I planned, this was my second mistake. After talking for a while PACMAN decided to give us supplies; then apparently after giving the supplies they both resigned from PACMAN and dissolved it. Sadly, I knew PACMAN was dying as Malaysia couldn't pay it's half due to treasury reserves being taken and the treasury slowly dwindling away.

so let's start back in my political career as president, and see what I have done and the mistakes have made.

When running, I said I could get free MPPs, which in a better time in the eWorld I probably could. However with all the alliances so broken at the moment It was quite impossible to ask a country to pay 200 gold for such a small nation when they are saving for wars with countries all over, former friends and former allies striking each other at the neck for resources.

This was mistake 1, Lying (sort of) to you all

At the time, Indonesia was lusting to take sabah back. It was hard to get connection with eIndonesia as the MoFAs were rarely there, and the president was extremely hard for me to get to as I could not PM him and our time schedules were completely different.
Though out of my control, them betraying us and attacking ST made it so we could not be secure and would surely get wiped, at the time PACMEN was kind of just starting up and was not very able to do much (though at it's peak of power, technically).

This was not really a mistake, but a bad time in my presidency

After the war, and RWs I got the party established as soon as possible, and had my MoFA contact china for the MPP. After a few days we got the MPP and I no longer had to worry about indonesia, so I could finally invade a country and expand. It was a good idea, I noticed our grain companies starting to stop production due to our loss of sabah so to make up for it I thought we might as well just attack singapore, it had been an idea I had and China could protect us from indonesia if they attacked us due to it. At the time I did not believe Singapore would spend as much gold as they did and our foreign support could cover the war, I was clearly wrong. This was one of my many mistakes during presidency

Various people told me not to attack Singapore, but the benefits of having Singapore outweighed what they were saying in my mind. After we declared war on Singapore, They immediately went to China saying we were abusing the MPP we had set up with them (which was for defense only). We were not, as I said before this was just to make sure indo wouldn't wipe us after we attacked Singapore. I was not aware that you could make an NE without MPPs, If I had set up the NE I wouldn't have included them. But as you know, I did not, And now you know I did not ask for the NE proposal to be made at the time; though I still supported it. It was my failures in administration that has gotten us in trouble with China, and I take full responsibility for this.

just another mistake of my presidency.

Before the war was officially happening, (while still being proposed as a law) I asked My mofa to go to Austria for help, recognizing we were being imperialist Austria declined our request and fought for Singapore (probably shouldn't have asked them..huh?). This caused us to lose a couple battles, and drained most of our forces we had lined up.

this was obviously another mistake

This all eventually led to where we are today, Poor, No Friends, and soon to be countryless.

I have failed you eMalaysia, Perhaps someday in the future I can redeem myself but I truly doubt it. I have ruined many things we once had, and I regret a ton of it. I think that Myntax Urne probably should have won the elections, he was much better suited than me because he wouldn't have many of these terrible choices, during his spot as MoFA He has gotten many friendships and would be a fine president in the future.

If you feel I am no longer able to serve you, as President I respectfully ask you to propose Impeachment. Luckily Myntax will be put as president if I am impeached, so I ask anyone who wishes to end my term, Please do so. (also, I am not quitting, just if you don't want me running the country anymore I understand 😛)

I am sorry to Hekter, PACMAN, the country of eSingapore, the country of ePhilippines, all countries I have harmed in my term as president, the Troops who came to aid us, our former allies and friends, and my ministers and ask that you find a way to forgive eMalaysia for my actions

I know that I have failed you, and if I was a congressmen or average citizen I would not want someone like me running my country.

and In closing, I thank everyone who voted for me and allowing me to have this great experience.

I am a terrible President, and everyone hates me...but I'm sorry 🙁