[Kaiser] The election

Day 925, 05:31 Published in Austria Montenegro by Kaiser Alex

I was reading my article over, and relaized that maybe I was a little too aggressive.

It was done at 1:30AM in the morning and I was extremely tired. Please dont take this as me covering up for it, because if I was trying to do that I would of deleted it.

Calling Fragreg and Omnicorp a full blown PTO was more than likely over the top, and I respect how much they have contributed to eAustria.

However, the arguments raised in my previous article do still stand, about the election promise and the work irregularities. I didnt want this election to turn into what it has, and I am sorry if any offence was caused by this previous article.

I am still running for the presidency, because I believe I can inject energy into an otherwise bland and boring country. I know that this recent turmoil has been dividing, but think already how much vibrant debate has popped up already?

We can all agree no matter what political orientation that debate is good, and is a prime aim of the domcracy that we partake in. I want to ask everyone to join in this war of words, no matter whom you support, become an active politician, represent your views!

If you elect me on the 5th I will scrap the elitism that has plagued our nation for so very long. Valued and experienced members of the community are regularly side-tracked because the well established elite have enough power. While the elite I speak of normally do their jobs well and the country prospers, it is not an effective way of encouraging the new players to aspire to be something great. The ASO is a prime example of what can be achieved through hard work, and anti-elitism.

They were originally just PrinceofAustria and his friends, and then when new players arrived they saw the ASO as the party for the new. This meant that the ASO shot up in membership, and became the biggest party (At that time). Samu-L is an extremely competent leader, and yet is a new player, the same goes for Prince.

Can we honestly denounce new players, simply because they are new? I say no, and if you elect me on the fifth, elitism will be destroyed.

I will continue my campaign free of slander or attacks on other candidates.

Let us focus on the positive!

Good luck to Fragreg.