[Kaiser] Striving for Greatness...(Part Two)

Day 830, 03:32 Published in Austria Montenegro by Kaiser Alex

In history, people often have made promises that are either ludicrous or very disproportionate. I dont think this is a good way to do politics, I think people should only make promises and assurances on what is definitely in their ability.

So, with that as a prelude I want to open my second article in the wake of the presidential election, my "Striving for Greatness" article.

What Austria deserves; Greatness

eAustria is the true land of opportunity in this eWorld. You can come here as nothing, yet within two months you can rise to the rank of Party President of a powerful party. I personally think that, is the greatest thing about here, no matter what your previous journey's encompassed, you can always aspire to become great, and achieve that if you deserve it.

So, that is what I wish to set the bar at. I am completely dedicated to destroying elitism, fresh blood from the lower ranks in politics is always a good thing, it means we always have a wide range of opinions that are free to be discussed in open with each other. Anti elitism means that everyone has the chance to become an important member of government, and no matter your background a fresh start is possible.

However, having stated the above, I am vehemently opposed to simply appointing people because they have ambition and are new on the political scene. Experience is a wonderful thing, that allows ambitious politicians to refer back to their "Old Guard" type of politicians to ask them on any subject at all. These experienced politicians deserve recognition, and I think I have just the plan for them, which leads me on to my next point.

The Imperial Council

This is a plan I have had since first setting foot in eAustria, the council that will elect the new Kaiser for our country. This is where all eAustria's experienced "Old Guard" politicians will be put on a council, oversaw by the president, to elect the Kaiser for life. Each politician will have one vote and one nomination. The votes will be used to select new council members, while the nominations being used for election of the actual Kaiser. To retain this tradition of a proper a monarchy, the only way a Kaiser can be dismissed is if all council members plus the President agree, this is the ONLY way to dismiss him. Obviously if the Kaiser is incapacitated in some shape or form (death, inactivity or banning) a vote will be held immediately to elect a new one.

This "Monarchy" system will have to be thoroughly linked with the new constitution, which I will be putting into practice if I am elected. The new constitution will implement the Kaiser feature and many other little changes which have been asked of by many of the general population. Personally apart from the Kaiser implementation, I dont have a problem with the last constitution, but I know it caused a lot of trouble an election or two back, so I will do something about it.

The Military

The military in recent months has seen rapid changes and alterations, right from its formation, to the most recent new MoD. I think there is something fundamentally wrong with the military, what is it I hear you ask? Well, I think that the Military is just that, it shouldn't have to deal with other ministries business, and it should rely solely on itself for its own affairs. Of course, issues such as record keeping must be kept up with, and I spoke with the MoF Stoneman about this, and we believe a financial officer could act as a record keeper and a liaison in-between both ministries.

Another change which I wish to bring up, or rather a restoration, is my possibly imminent change back to the old regiment system. There are two main reasons for this, firstly, tradition. The regiments uphold a tradition that ensures everyone knows that THIS is eAustria, our military shall show that. The second reason is efficiency, the regiment system meant larger squads which were easier to handle with the current officer shortage and supplies.

My Cabinet

The most important any potential president, are his cabinet choices. These are the people who represent his will on the political spectrum. I have decided to do something very unorthodox, why should I name a cabinet? I certainly dont know all great potential cabinet members, but you do, dont you eAustria?! So, if you want a position, mail me! I will see what I can do!

Please note that anyone that I have previously contacted in regards to positions will not have to mail me again.

Thank you eAustria, Thank you.

Kaiser Alex, Potential President of eAustria

Long live Austria, may it prosper in the time to come.

[part one] - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-kaiser-a-very-different-sort-of-election--1207148/1/20">A very different sort of election...