[Kaiser] Breaking News

Day 924, 16:30 Published in Austria Montenegro by Kaiser Alex
Austria again at war with the PTOers

I was just adding the finishing touches to my policy article, when I discovered something which I thought couldnt happen. Fragreg leader of Omnicorp, declared his candidacy for president, something which he profusely said he would never do for a LONG LONG time.

Whats wrong with this? Well its quite simple really, he came to eAustria with a military unit, and promised he wouldnt run for presidency for at least six months, due to the fact that a large number of people from his organization were granted citizenship, and it would be unfair for him to run.

It seems promises dont matter much then in the land of Omnicorp eh? Well, one could call this a military coup.

Much like the tinpot countries of Africa, our country is under attack, Yes ATTACK by a military organization who have no regard for the well-being of eAustrian citizens. Yet again our welcome-ness and trust has been abused by an organization solely aimed at perverting democracy and installing nothing less than a DICTATOR into power.

Not only is this supposed military dictator a PTOer, he before this left many signs of his loyalty to Austria.

I have information from a trusted source, that on many occasions he refused to let Omnicorp soldiers form part of the eAustrian military, and when our government had to go to the extent of offering payment for their services he declined yet again! So, an organization that was meant to help eAustria, has lied to us, and is trying to take over the nation, and even before this was acting independently of the government.

Fragreg seemed to me to be a nice guy, who only wanted to help the country, but sadly now his true intentions are revealed, yet again a threat has been discovered in our own ranks. If on the fifth you elect me as your president, I vow that not a single character will ever be able to seep into our government again. I will enforce a zero-tolerance policy on suspicous characters, and carry out a crusade against these such people.

I understand that to certain elements of society it may see like I only lust for power, and I am trying to discredit Fragreg in any way possible. The very same thing was said about myself claiming Djani was a PTOer, and we all know how that turned out. We, true eAustrians have faced down many threats in our history, and this is just another sad bump on the road to eventual freedom from the chains of the PTO threat.

Unite Austrians! Austria is on our side, Omnicorp is an enemy of our country.

Omnicorp OUT!

A message to Fragreg: