[Kaiser] A very different sort of election...

Day 820, 14:11 Published in Austria Montenegro by Kaiser Alex

Around this time in our country, we have the benefits of a democratic election of our congress members. In practice, they should be representative of voter's feelings. In an ideal way they should be voted in for their ideas and beliefs, but in reality they are voted in on party lines.

However, thats not my focus of this article today, while congress elections are very important, I have a different direction I want to focus your eyes to. The presidential elections in just over two weeks.

The presidential elections, but why are you talking about them?

Well, I understand what I am about to say may shock a lot of you, it shocked me when I first thought of the prospect. You may have guessed it by this point in the article, but for those of you that have not I am running for President of eAustria.

My opposition upon hearing of my candidature

Yes, its true, I will be running for country President this election. Why do I do this? Well that I will attempt to explain here.

My goals

This past month has been the worst month I have experienced in eAustria, and I think many people share the same opinion. War has ravaged our land, destroyed our only hospital and generally put us in a bad state. Why did this happen? Why did our government not do something to protect us from this?

That is a long and drawn out question. Firstly you should all know that our former (technically still) president Borojevic Von Bonjar does not deserve all of the blame. He took on this post not fully understanding the time dedication it took to run a country and it was a terrible shame the war started on his term. Maybe if he were a peacetime president he could of done better, it seems we will never know.

Would I of done things differently if I were in power at the time? Yes I most certainly would of, but the past is the past and I think we should leave that behind us in aspiration for the future. Our past may be bleak, but our future is glimmering.

All presidents aim to achieve a set of goals, a set of criteria that they want to accomplish in their term. Of course, where would I be if I didn't have this set of goals and criteria? Well, I wouldn't be where I am today would I? My goals so to speak of are simple and easy to understand.

My main goal, straight away, is the implementation of a Q5 hospital to Styria. It is unacceptable that our citizens go without fighting in their own war! This will be implemented on the first day of my possible presidency, I will not stand by and allow our citizens to fall victim of boredom! They cannot even fight in a war that is destroying their country, something I find truly saddening.

How would I implement this so soon? Well, we have the funds, its just a tactical matter. We dont want to place a hospital and then have it destroyed instantly do we? I would work out a deal with the Croatians to ensure this would not happen, and ensure our lands are safe. This brings me on to my next goal, Relations with Croatia.

As you know, recently Croatia and indirectly EDEN invaded our lands and opened up another major battlefield. Croatia has shown in the comments of articles among other things that they only intend to "pass through". This is good news for us of course, but them simply invading us and disrespecting our neutrality supersedes any promises of that sort I say. I will aim to maintain reasonable relations with them, however I will never, ever allow landswaps again. I say this with the utmost certainty. As long as I am president, they will not come through invited.

Another goal, which has been overlooked in this most recent of terms, is the institution of an elective monarchy. Some of you may not see why this is so important, well let me explain. In the modern Monarchy, the monarchs do not really hold executive power, but rather a "failsafe" incase the head of government loses it. I would propose that our monarchy serve as a chief advisor, it would have to be someone who is unbiased in the world of politics. How would he be selected? I believe a council should be set up with everyone on it holding some sort of place in society, and they should vote on it. The technicalities could be discussed at a later date.

This is the first in a series of presidential election articles, more in part two.

Thank you, eAustria.

Long live the N.F.A, may it prosper in the time to come!