[jw] Lets fight FOR something for once!

Day 2,070, 04:06 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

I apologise for the bluntness of this article in advance. If you are of a nervous disposition, I suggest you bury your head in the sand here. To be clear, the UKs political field has for some time, been a wilful subjugation of 'them', on both 'sides'. That is, we do not have anyone who really believes in anything at this moment. What we have instead, is two 'factions' who are warring for control of the UK.

For the avoidance of doubt, there is no-one with clean hands or conscience in this debate. Parties such as TUP, UKRP and UKPP have let themselves become involved in arguments that are wholly inappropriate with the messages they seek to embody. In the same vein, the 'new era' offered by NE and FM is also one which is wholly based on a subjugation of anything or anyone which is not NE or FM. To summarise, TUP, UKRP and UKPP have, instead of fighting against the 'them' and 'us' mentality that NE and FM have installed and solidified in the UK, embraced and inverted it.

However, I as well as ESO, and PCP and other parties are also at fault here. For almost 6 months now, there has not been a conclusive, positive message from any party. ESO died a death a long time ago. PCP drifts in and out of activity, and even when active, finds itself warring the very elements they once ascribed to.

Thus the diagnosis of the problem is clear. The UK has become a political scene awash with negative messages of how party or group A is 'not as bad'. The choice we offer our youth is one of a reduced scale of evil; it is no wonder people are escaping such a negative landscape.

The move towards a more positive future, a future about offering tangible improvements for our population cannot be fostered in just one party. It is not the role of any one group of people to offer a positive account; it is the basic reason why parties exist in the first place. So please, for the love of god, can we start to have some positive messages for people to believe in, identify with, and start working towards.

Parties do not exist to get bigger, they do not exist to elect congressmembers or Presidents. They exist to gain popularity, by doing or promising what is right, what is goo😛 this is how democracy works guys. Its no good filling the top 5 with sympathetic parties, but equally, its no good justifying your existence as the alternative to 'them'.

This message is not from ESO, nor it is to anyone in particular. Its to everyone, in every party. I will, over the course of the next few weeks and months, be doing anything and everything to encourage ESO to begin to offer positive, tangible improvements that can be put forward to the population; this is what parties exist to do, and should be doing anyway. The message which resounds with the most people, gets the most votes, and gets power. Surely by now, in a country which has one of the longest histories of democracy, in a game which from day one has operated under the parameters of electing leaders we should realise that "look what ___ did, don't vote for them", or "look, ___ did this, he/she is in ___, so you shouldn't vote for them or be in that party" is simply unacceptable.

Victory from popularity,
popularity from genuine attempts at improvement
attempts at improvement from teamwork and community discussions.

No to scheming, no to negative campaigning, and above all else: no to blaming jamesw when it all goes awfully wrong and we return to "BAWWWWW LOOK WHAT X, Y and Z DID!!!".

But then that's just what I think, and what the fudge do I know?