[JEC Report] Aftermath of the Election

Day 738, 02:19 Published in Japan Japan by exReality
People of Japan,

Greetings from the JEC! As a fulfillment of the promise for transparency here is an official report. Roland_up has compiled a list of candidates who have won the election here. As he has stated in his article many members from different parties were elected to project a more diverse voice in Japan. The election week is over and the JEC heads back to its usual activities.

Members back in the new Japan Election Commission headquarters, planning for the future elections.

Unfortunately, out of the forty candidates who have ran this election, two were not on the JEC's official list. In the future we hope this number will be zero. However, the JEC did deploy one mobile voter in Gyeongsangbuk-do who voted for Yuuko [an official candidate] in attempts to oust the unofficial candidate. During the election period, the JEC had received advice from the former commissioner Kita Ikki to improve JEC's efficiency in blocking unwanted candidates. The JEC is now hoping to utilize his advice in order to devise a more effective plan from preventing unofficial candidates from winning future elections. More importantly, candidates who wish to run in the future are advised to have stronger ties with their party presidents, so the JEC does not mistakenly identify your good intentions for Japan as ill.

JEC members discussing ways to prevent unofficial and PTO candidates from running

On another note, We need more members! Be part of the organization which reinforces the good will of Japan. The JEC needs individuals who are willing to help Japan prevent candidates, who are not representing the voice of the people, get elected. If you wish to join send an application to the JEC. Your role as a member strengthens the JEC's power to fight rogue candidates!